free pc games im averaging over 200 points daily with Microsoft rewards. pc games pass for 1 month only costs 7750 points.
0 / 240
01.05.2025 17:57:31 - Exacustodian -
how does it work?
01.05.2025 17:58:02 - npstalon2 -
Indeed Crop your name out or remove your post entirely since you are really putting yourself at risk.
01.05.2025 18:38:35 - StompsDaWombat -
@Exacustodian - It's basically the same as AWA: sign up for Microsoft Rewards, grind your daily quests, earn Microsoft Rewards Points and redeem them for free goodies (like Xbox Game Pass, gift cards, etc.).
01.05.2025 18:40:43 - StompsDaWombat -
If you're doing everything, you can essentially get Game Pass (or Game Pass Ultimate) for free.
01.05.2025 18:43:41 - StompsDaWombat -
Alternately, if you don't care about Game Pass, over a year you should earn enough points to cash in for a $100 gift card to Walmart, Best Buy, or Amazon. It's slow money, but it's free money (provided it's available in your region).
01.06.2025 02:04:16 - MARSM4N -
Yo, McLovin is in da house!
01.06.2025 02:27:10 - Girlninja -
I can confirm and have used it several times to get Amazon or other department store gift cards.
01.06.2025 04:14:53 - Nemen7 -
the daily grind on the bing app, xbox app and on pc can be done in less than 20 minutes per day. then upto an hour per day with arp points of which im saving for the hat and socks.
01.06.2025 07:11:03 - DrowningInIt -
streak protection didn't work for my 39 day streak so i have stopped even bothering. said i had used 8 of 14 days for protection but apparently missing my daily by hours didn't trigger it for some reason? then it gave me a bunch of em back.
01.06.2025 10:30:37 - Daytraders -
Rewards is good, been doing it for years, never know what to use my points for thou, i used some points recently to buy two xbox controllers and official xbox wireless headset to use on pc,