When does the marketplace reset for Dell rewards, if it still does? Is it still May, and is it at the beginning or end of May? I missed it last year.
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04.15.2024 17:34:18 - CurseTheseMetalHands -
February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and November 1st.
04.15.2024 18:24:53 - kovec -
If you look at them in the marketplace they have a countdown that tells you exactly how much time you have left.
04.16.2024 10:24:23 - maramire -
I like having a countdown. I have ARPs to burn and waiting to trade them once again for DRs
04.16.2024 13:08:38 - Ryan1456 -
Oh, I thought the timer was for a discount lol. I didn't know what normal price was.