

This innocuous looking beast from

Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)

is an Arctic Fox. I don't recall them being named, and unless you've played the game you might not understand why I chose this as my entry.
You have to control both to play, and the relationship between the girl, Nuna, and Fox makes deaths mean something in this game: you feel the anguish & sorrow when one reacts to the death of the other.
This endearing fox left me wishing I had a fox companion to adventure with.
[See comments]
Arctic Fox and Nuna from Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)
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07.13.2024 19:32:16 - MysteriousMrX -
While I highly recommend this game, you should be aware that it can be frustrating at times, as you have to control both characters, and puzzle-solving escape routes whilst under attack can lead to deaths. Additionally, it's broken up by
07.13.2024 19:33:35 - MysteriousMrX -
story-telling, as this isn't just a game, but a vehicle for learning. When I first started playing I was startled to be thrust into game play after the initial long sequence of story-telling. And the most important caveat/warning: you will
07.13.2024 19:34:43 - MysteriousMrX -
more than likely want a fox companion too, by the time you're done.