Red Dead Redemption V announced for PC

  • 43

Flows of up to seven years since Red Dead Redemption isn`t on PC. Many have already come to terms with this fact and is now more relevant whether the continuation of the game will at all get to PC. The answer to that for now we do not have, but because we have an interesting fact when the terms RDR and the PC platform are in the same sentence.

A few days ago it was announced Red Dead Redemption V. It sounds confusing, but it's very simple - it is a modification of the user who plans map from RDR to transfer into GTA 5. The Project is based on converting the material from the X360 version of RDR with small improvements so that the wild west of this game on the PC will look more beautiful than the original.

However, the story stops here. Red Dead Redemption V is planning to insert a map in the game, but on it you will only have sightseeing option. On it could also be played multiplayer matches, but not within the GTA Online. The authors note that the extra content are in the plan, but them should not be expected in the first publicly available mode version this summer.


Tagged with: games like GTA, modes

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