Elite Dangerous Odyssey RELEASE SCHEDULE :(

  • 95

COVID-19 has impacted a lot of things, and the latest Elite Dangerous expansion, Odyssey, is no exception. On January 13, Frontier issued a statement laying out how they plan to proceed with the release, dividing it into three phases: Alpha, PC Release, and Console Release.

The first phase, Alpha, will commence in early spring of 2021. Over this period, new features will be gradually introduced and feedback from the community will be taken into consideration. Those with access to the Elite Dangerous Odyssey Deluxe Alpha and Lifetime Expansion Pass will be able to participate in this program.

Following the Alpha phase, Frontier aims to launch the new expansion onto PC in late spring of 2021.

Those with consoles will have to wait a bit longer, unfortunately, as the developer team is aiming to launch Odyssey on consoles, specifically Xbox One and PlayStation 4, in the autumn of this year. In their statement, Frontier acknowledged this delay is not ideal, but that they wish to make sure that the console release meets the highest standards.

They have also emphasized that they will continue to put out new videos, news and other content during this time and they thank the community for all their patience. INN will bring you more updates as we get them.      

Replies • 24

SAD. COVID delays isn't good. But Frontier aims still working for Odyssey - this is nice. Hope we get better quality from this situation!


Thanks for the info. After the Cyberpunk debacle I think it's wise to not push an unfinished game.


When it comes to games, I consider delays a good thing.  

tofrek said:

on pourra être testeurs....???

oui si ta le pass  (Those with access to the Elite Dangerous Odyssey Deluxe Alpha and Lifetime Expansion Pass will be able to participate in this program)