
Global Admin

Congratulations to @astronautzzz @NymCast @Nanaki_ @CerebralBlood29 @Spyterminator @JacKeane @ESTJ @rainfeed @madagascaradam & @krr3y01 - The winners of our first Relay Challenge! There were a lot of really great entries and we loved looking through all the great screenshots you folks submitted!

If you didn't win this time, don't stress out - The next Relay Challenge will be here before you know it... 😉

To see all the winners, check out the blog post here:
One of the winners of the Breathtaking Vista Relay Challenge
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05.31.2024 21:37:28 - TheJobberwock -
if you're gonna make relay challenges a regular thing, please make a special relay challenge tag and let people set an option to automatically filter those out of their relay
05.31.2024 22:04:02 - Nanaki_ -
Thank you guys :)
05.31.2024 22:20:14 - CerebralBlood29 -
05.31.2024 22:28:14 - astronautzzz -
05.31.2024 23:29:22 - madagascaradam -
06.01.2024 07:43:36 - NymCast -
Thank you all!
06.01.2024 07:45:37 - JacKeane -
Thank you :D
06.01.2024 08:16:59 - ESTJ -
Thank you!!! :)
06.01.2024 09:00:12 - TheJobberwock -
@anonumos cool, so they're half way there
06.01.2024 17:18:50 - krr3y01 -
Thank you