Starcraft remaster is being prepared for us, and the original is becoming free

  • 359

As has long been speculated, Blizzard is working on remastering the first Starcraft, and we will play it with the reworked visuals already this summer. But, those to whom graphics are not everything in life will be delighted by the news that the original version of the game will become free next week when it receives a new patch that will enhance compatibility with modern operating systems and some other accessories for more comfortable gaming experience.

Tagged with: Blizzard, remaster, strategy

Replies • 102

This!  This is...  fantastic!  I loved the old game.  I am sure that I may not love it as much now as I did then, but I think it is great that Blizz is doing this. They recognize how many people would love the be able to play on modern computers. Great job, Blizz!

Spiritual beings in physical bodies

will it be available in steam store ?

Some hearts are true!
Mumbo777 said:

will it be available in steam store ?

Of course not, Blizzard App only.


Good news for Starcraft fans but personally I neither have nor want access to Blizzard's little club. Their games just aren't worth another single-vendor distribution platform, in my personal opinion. I'm happy with Steam and I begrudgingly accept uPlay due to a few Ubi games I can't really live without (it helps that they still sell through Steam and uPlay has far better Steam integration now - when they actually bother to use it). But that's where I draw the line, so all Blizzard and EA (Origin) games are off the menu for me. I've never felt like I'm missing out on much to be perfectly honest!

Interesting news though, thanks.



Hell Ya! were getting better version for free and the prettier version will be payed!

it should always be with games like this!


Thanks a wonderful news, I would buy it, oh wait it's not gonna be on steam...
