Professional Fortnite Player Caught Using Map Hack after Cheat Maker Turns Snitch

  • 1836

The Fortnite World Cup has a $30 million dollar prize pool.  That's more than enough to tempt anyone to cross over to the dark side.  Player Johnathan Kosmala, a professional player representing Team Kaliber, did just that.

Kosmala was caught cheating using a maphack during the first week of qualifiers for the Fortnite World Cup in July.  The cheat enables a map hack that highlights player locations, even through walls.

Ironically, it was the creator, known as CBV, who actually turned in Kosmala.  According to CBV,

“[Kosmala’s] intentions were not to cheat in the video game, and you know, have fun, looking for a stream, stomp pubs — but to win money and scam other players who are playing legitimately,”

Team Kaliber released the following Tweet after the incident:

But in case you're wondering, CBV did issue a refund to Koamala for the amount he paid for the hack.  This cheat maker certainly has very strong moral code!

Replies • 32

You would think there would be a central monitoring hub station for the people managing the event to watch streaming of the competitors display, so stuff like cheating would be stopped.


Ugh, man. Yes, these so-called Pro players everywhere and don't even know why so many get killed and shout that he or she is better than others??? have you seen him or her play for real? Cyber sport is not a sport that anyone has more free time and who has spent more time debriefing the game. ((Nerds))

DarkPaD said:

Ugh, man. Yes, these so-called Pro players everywhere and don't even know why so many get killed and shout that he or she is better than others??? have you seen him or her play for real? Cyber sport is not a sport that anyone has more free time and who has spent more time debriefing the game. ((Nerds))

If exertion was not in the sport definition, meaning the use of mental intellectual acuity, Playing video games for a competition for monetary gain or for being more renowned, it would not be a sport.

Just curious, how was the cheat developer able to deliver proof? Was that player so stupid to actually pay with his real personal data? I wouldn't count IP adresses or any other hardware related information as an evidence, since it could be the case that the players PC was hacked by the cheat developer. And why does the devoloper dox itself, just to be a internet hero for one day and ruin it's business? It's probably not like that you only have to pay $10 a month for some secret private hack. Seems like both weren't the smartest human beings in what they were doing. Ok, the dev can just change it's name, but still has to build up reputation again.


King of the Realm

Once again so sad that stuff like this happen even in the professional gaming world.

Angel_Arrow said:

Once again so sad that stuff like this happen even in the professional gaming world.

Why should we be surprised, that it happens also in pro gaming, when it constantly happens with athletes on Olympics and World Champs? Btw, not limited to sport competition by any means... much more harming and better hidden, but really common is also stealing and falsifying results in scientific research.

Unfortunately, for so many of us the question of cheating is no longer a matter of principles, but of risk versus potential profit equation :(


im certain there are name brand streamers using hacks as well.

its the same but a more lucrative game, scamming for kid's lunch money.

A2D3RS0N said:
DarkPaD said:

Ugh, man. Yes, these so-called Pro players everywhere and don't even know why so many get killed and shout that he or she is better than others??? have you seen him or her play for real? Cyber sport is not a sport that anyone has more free time and who has spent more time debriefing the game. ((Nerds))

If exertion was not in the sport definition, meaning the use of mental intellectual acuity, Playing video games for a competition for monetary gain or for being more renowned, it would not be a sport.

lol, for that matter, mental sports are chess.