Apex Legends gets Ranked Leagues

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In a recent post on the official forums, Respawn have announced that Apex Legends will get Ranked Leagues with the launch of Season 2 on July 2nd.

The post mentions the goals of this ranked mode:

  • Reward competitive players for the time they invest in Apex Legends
  • Ensure competitive integrity through skill-based matchmaking
  • Create a space at the top of the ladder for the best players to establish a high-skill meta without forcing a playstyle
  • Create a true measure of skill in Apex Legends

The rank mode will be available in "Series" (the times they'll run until they are reset) and the first will be available from today (July 2nd) through September. Ranked play will also have 6 different tiers (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Apex Predator), and all tiers except the last one will have 4 divisions (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond IV; Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond  III; Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond II; and Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond I). All players will start in Bronze IV and will have to work their way up the ladder.

The devs have also discussed the scoring system:

Each Ranked match will cost RP to play based on your tier:

  • Bronze matches are free
  • Silver matches cost 1RP
  • Gold matches cost 2RP
  • Platinum matches cost 3RP
  • Diamond matches cost 4RP
  • Apex Predator matches cost 5RP

Players will need to be at least lvl 10 to join ranked play and playing with higher ranking friends will result harder matches:

When you queue up with other friends in your lobby, the matchmaker will find a match for the highest ranked player in that lobby.

 If you queue up with your Diamond II friend as a Bronze III player, get ready for a difficult match!

There are also some penalties for players that rage-quit their matches: 

Players who abandon their teammates will be hit with a matchmaking penalty in both regular and Ranked matches. Penalties will result in a player being barred from joining a match for escalating amounts of time based on how often they have abandoned in Ranked. 

As for the rewards of ranked play, Respawn have announced some badges with more stuff to come:


Replies • 78

I'm excited to play today.....if it launches on time and if the download is not too slow...it will take at least 2 to 3 hours if it actually is around 18GB.
